As we come upon this year’s Thanksgiving season, I thought I would provide what I am thankful for from a real estate viewpoint.
Buyers & Sellers! Even though this is what everyone would expect, it is truly the most important. When it comes down to the basic foundation of my role as a REALTOR, I put buyers and sellers together by acting as their local, professional, project manager for the largest financial decision, and transaction, of their lives to this point. You see, unlike most of the jobs in American, I don’t create buyers or sellers. I don’t create homes. I don’t have a ‘widget’ to sell. Yet, I serve as a consultant to guide and protect those buyers and sellers who have chosen me to direct them through a very important, and large, finanical decision.
I have people tell me all the time that I’m a good salesman. And I am, but not when it comes to real estate. Better yet, I am a good “marketingman”. I have a degree in Marketing Management and the purest definition of marketing is “Satisfying a customer’s need”. I don’t have anything to sell as a REALTOR. As a “marketingman”, my role is to listen and provide a solution to the needs of my clients. From that standpoint, I’m a good problem solver. But back to thanksgiving. My entire family is thankful for those buyers and sellers who see the difference in what a true real estate professional can provide. We appreciate your trust!
I’m thankful for the country that I live in. It definitely has some problems right now, but, for now, this is the best country in the world. Our democratic, and capitalistic, society has provided our country more success (financially, mentally, spiritually, economically) than any country in the history of this World. I don’t understand why some want to change it to be like everyone else. I don’t want to be like Greece, or France, or Germany, or Russia, or China. I want to be the USA!
I am thankful for the importance and value that the residents of the USA place on homeownership. This may sound simple, but homeownership is a huge component of the pride, and success, we have in America. It is also associated with higher financial net worth, less neighborhood crime, community spirit, and higher educational success. The feeling associated with owning your piece of this country is awesome. Don’t lose this right to be in charge of your property!
I am thankful for all the preferred partners who help me, and my buyers and sellers, daily. Without all of us working together, doing our individual jobs to the finest of our abilities, this advantage of homeownership would not be a reality in America. “All you can do is all you can do”. Art Williams said this year’s ago, but it hold true always. All that I ask of anyone working with me is to do all they can do. Nothing less, nothing more. It is because of these individuals that I get to put buyers and sellers together:
Lenders: I know this will freak some of you out, but if it wasn’t for some people being very successful financially, then the rest of us wouldn’t be able to do what we want to. Lending is one of these. Lenders are nothing more than people, or companies, who have made a great deal of money, lending some of their success to us common folks so we can also experience some of the American dream! Get over the fact that people are more successful than you. Without people being successful, there isn’t anything to spread around. If you want to be more successful, isn’t it great to know that you have the freedom to work harder and reap the full rewards of your labor (for now).
Title: I don’t know what all they do, don’t want to, but I really appreciate the Escrow and Title officers. Especially my friend Michelle and Donna at All American Title. Sometimes I have to use other title companies, but when I use All American, I know, and I can reassure my clients, that Michelle and crew will take care of all that paperwork to make sure that we legally transfer ownership title from one party to the next without someone, or something, ruining a perfectly good opportunity of homeownership.
Inspectors: When you are involved in such a large financial decision, isn’t it good to do your research on this huge investment? Yes. Don’t ever purchase a home without having it properly inspected. This one element of a real estate transaction could reassure your dream of ownership, or protect you from a costly mistake. Remember, these guys are looking over everything about your new home so you know everything, no matter how small or how large. It is always better to make an educated decision. I’m thankful for the inspectors who protect my client’s investment.
Handyman/Service Provider: After we find some necessary repairs from the inspection above, I’m thankful for those service providers who get the issues resolved in a timely manner, with good quality work. Again, these guys protect the investment of my clients.
REALTORS: I am thankful for most of my cooperating real estate agents. Unfortunately, many agents feel they are in competition with the other agent involved, but is is not the case at all. Both agents involved in the transaction, whether representing buyer or seller, are there to manage the transaction between these two parties, with the benefit of both parties in their focus. You noticed that I said ‘most’ earlier. It is my opinion there are too many licensed agents who don’t have a clue what they are doing and they shouldn’t be representing either buyers or sellers. Our industry is plagued with too many licensed agents. it is too easy to get a license. I am thankful for the recent housing market downturn because it allowed about half of the licensed agents in Arkansas to get out of real estate industry. We have plenty of room for others who need to get out also.
Arkansas Real Estate Commission: Many don’t understand the value of AREC in protecting our industry, our agents, and our buyers and sellers. Arkansas has been duplicated across this country for our real estate practices, contracts, and legislation. Arkansas has one of the lowest financial burdens concerning ‘bad’ real estate deals in the country. It is because of AREC.
As your family approaches this Thanksgiving season, don’t forget to be thankful for the power of homeownership in this country. It is the basis of our economy, our capitalistic foundation, our net worth, our communities, and our jobs. It should be protected and advanced.